Request a FREE Naloxone Kit Today!
ATTENTION: This program is for residents of Northeastern Pennsylvania. If you reside elsewhere, please CLICK HERE to get free Naloxone by mail.
If you reside in Northeastern Pennsylvania, please use the form below to request a FREE Naloxone kit with two doses of lifesaving Narcan nasal spray. Your personal information will be kept strictly confidential, and you will receive the kit in the mail in a plain package. Given recent delays in deliveries by the U.S. Postal Service, please be patient.
PLEASE WATCH THE TRAINING VIDEO BELOW BEFORE YOU FILL OUT THE REQUEST FORM. If you are ordering a refill and have already watched the video, you can simply check the box and move on to the form. Thank you.
(This program is sponsored by the Lackawanna Recovery Coalition as a community service and funded through a grant from Vital Strategies. Neither the Lackawanna Recovery Coalition nor Vital Strategies are affiliated with any pharmacy or pharmaceutical company.)